Multiple Files Uploaded in PHP.
- Resize Images
- Change the quality of images
- Add watermark
- Set watermark position x-y
- Check to upload image size
- Rename images
- Create thumbnail with the original image [New feature added]
This is a very basic class that you can use to upload images.
By using this class you can change the QUALITY of the image, Add watermark and you also can RESIZE the image. You just need to set the name of your files in a Dropzone like below.
paramName: “files”, [The name that will be used to transfer the file] for DropZone JS read [DropZone].
The complete code of DropZone’s initialization is given below. Remember I customize the Dropzone style you can use or change as per your need.
<div class="dropzone dz-clickable" id="myDrop">
<div class="dz-default dz-message" data-dz-message="">
<span>Drop files here to upload</span>
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
var myDropzone = new Dropzone("div#myDrop",
paramName: "files", // The name that will be used to transfer the file
addRemoveLinks: true,
uploadMultiple: true,
autoProcessQueue: false,
parallelUploads: 50,
maxFilesize: 10, // MB
acceptedFiles: ".png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif",
url: "ajax/actions.ajax.php",
/* Add Files Script*/
myDropzone.on("success", function(file, message){
myDropzone.on("error", function (data) {
$("#msg").html('<div class="alert alert-danger">There is some thing wrong, Please try again!</div>');
myDropzone.on("complete", function(file) {
$("#add_file").on("click",function (){
In your PHP file using the below code.
$rename = rand().time(); // You can choose your own name.
$upload = new ImageUploadAndResize(); // Object create
$upload->uploadFiles('files', '../uploads', true, 250, '../mini-logo.png', 20, 20, $rename, 0777, 100, '850', '250');
Parameters that we used to uploadFiles() method explained below.
$yourFileName = 'Your paramName' // Set in a Dropzone
$yourDestination = '../upload' // Folder/Dir name where you need to save images
$createThumb = false; // This is set default
$minImgWidth = 400 //Set to check Minimum width of uploaded images.
$waterMarkImgSrc = '../mini-logo.png' //Set watermark
$xPosition = 20 //Set position of watermark X-AXIS
$yPosition = 20 //Set position of watermark Y-AXIS
$reName = 'Rename uploaded file if you need' // Left empty save file default name
$permission = 0655 // Folder/Dir permission set 0777 for full access
$quality = 100 // Set image quality you can set it between 1-100
$newWidth = '' // If you want to resize the image then pass int value else upload without resizing
$thumbWidth = //If you want to resize the image thumb then pass int value else upload without resizing image will be saved.
After upload images method will return images Name Array that you can use to submit into DB TABLE like.
$db = new mysqli('localhost','root','','test');
foreach($upload->prepareNames as $name){
if ($db->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $db->error;
All parameters that you need to set
Parameters | Default Value | Description |
$yourFileName | Not set | Set in a Dropzone |
$yourDestination | Not set | Folder name where you need to save images [‘../Upload/’] |
$createThumb | false | If you set true the thumb folder will be created and thumb files move there |
$minImgWidth | 400 | Set to check the Minimum width of uploaded images. |
$waterMarkImgSrc | empty | You can set your own image as a watermark |
$xPosition | empty | Set the position of watermark X-AXIS |
$yPosition | empty | Set position of watermark Y-AXIS |
$reName | empty | Rename uploaded file if you need it. Left empty save file default name |
$permission | 0655 | Folder/Dir permission set 0777 for full access |
$quality | 100 | Image quality in percent 1-100 |
$newWidth | empty | If you want to resize the image then pass int value else upload without resizing the image will be saved. |
$thumbWidth | empty | If you want to resize the image thumb then pass int value else upload without resizing image will be saved. |
| | |
The working example you can download from here. Now with the help of this class, you can also create an image thumbnail.