- 4 years ago
- Zaid Bin Khalid
In this session, we will learn and discuss about VueJS and how to install setup of the environment of VueJs.
Vue JS
As a progressive JavaScript framework VueJs is used to develop inter-active web interfaces, It is one of the famous frameworks used to develop an interactive web interface. Any developer can easily build web interface with spending too much time.
Vue JS Features
Some VueJS features are mention below.
- Virtual DOM
- Data Binding
- Components
- Event handling
- Transition or Animation
- Computed Properties
- Directives
- Watchers
- Routing
- Lightweight
- Vue-CLL
Comparison with Other Frameworks
Now compare some other frameworks with VueJS, such as React, Angular, Ember, and knockout. and polymer.
VueJS and React
Both VueJS and React uses as a virtual DOM, Which make DOM easier and faster. The virtual representation of the DOM free is called Virtual DOM. A JavaScript object is created with the help of virtual DOM which work same as the real DOM. Anytime you can make changes to the DOM,
VueJS and Angular
VueJs has a lot of similar with Angular. They have both command line interface for VueJS. Both offer two ways data binding server. Without any issue VueJS can be easily compile with any other project but with Angular it will not be that easy.
VueJS and Knockout
Knockout support good browser. It support and work easily on the lower version of the IE but VueJS cannot support on IE-8 and below. With time Knockout development has working slowed down but on the other hand, VueJS has start gaining popularity with the Vue team by providing regular updates.
VueJS and Polymer
Google developed the Polymer library and its offer data binding and computed properties which is similar to VueJS. It is used in many project of google
For example
• Google I/O
• Google Earth
• Google Play Music and many more.
- 4 years ago
- Zaid Bin Khalid