- 4 years ago
- Zaid Bin Khalid
In this session, we will talk about what is React JS complete overview? The React JS is a library used to build reusable UI components in JavaScript.
React JS can be defined in their official documents as:
It displays the data that changes over time.” However, most people use this library as V in MVC. Also, this library can power native apps and render them on the server by using Node. React JS implements data flow in one-way. This reduces the boilerplate and through this one get the traditional data binding more easily.
Features of React JS:
The syntax extension of JavaScript is JSX. However, using JSX during React development is not necessary yet it is recommended by the expert.
The React library is all about having components. So you need to consider everything in terms of components. Hence, with the help of components, one can easily maintain the large codes of extensive projects.
Data Flow and Flux in unidirectional:
It implements the data flow is unidirectional so it makes you easier to reason about your app. Moreover, the flux is a pattern that enables the data to stay in one-way.
Since the License for React Library lies under the official company of Facebook Inc. So, the documentation will officially license under the contract of CC BY 4.0.
Advantages of React JS:
- The use of virtual DOM is the object of JavaScript. Hence, the React will improve the performance of apps. Furthermore, the virtual DOM of JavaScript is considerably faster than regular DOM.
- React JS can be used at both the server and client-side, as well as on other frameworks.
- The data patterns and components are improving the readability. This helps them to maintain the apps at a larger level.
Limitations of React:
React library only cover the view layer of apps. Hence, one must require other technologies also to fulfill the complete development tool.
The usage of JSX and inline template might look awkward for the few developers working on React.
- 4 years ago
- Zaid Bin Khalid