Behance is a very famous platform for designers developer for designers by Adobe. It is the world largest designer portfolio showcase. You can fetch data from Behance using API (Application programming interface). I am going to show you a Behance API integration using bootstrap into your PHP project.
Below are the steps to integrate behance API with your PHP application.
- Download API Files Download Link
- Register Behance APP Register Link
- Create Index.php File.
Behance API methods are below. After creating an APP on Behance you use the PHP Behance API.
require_once( './vendor/autoload.php' );
$user = new Behance\Client( $clientID );
// User data
$user->getUser( 'bryan' );
// User's list of projects
$user->getUserProjects( 'bryan' );
// User's work in progress
$user->getUserWips( 'cfaydi' );
// Project data
$user->getProject( 2812719 );
// Project's comments
$user->getProjectComments( 2812719 );
// Featured project list
$user->searchProjects( array() );
// Search for motorcycles
$user->searchProjects( array( 'q' => 'motorcycles' ) );
Download Working example form here